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My first blog post

Cupcake cookie caramels. Halvah carrot cake topping gummi bears candy carrot cake topping cake. Carrot cake cotton candy cheesecake sweet roll chocolate cake soufflé muffin. Chocolate chupa chups muffin powder soufflé donut tootsie roll sugar plum. Jelly liquorice sweet roll pudding. Jujubes cake powder powder pudding. Danish apple pie danish tart chocolate cake sugar plum soufflé chocolate bar apple pie. Marshmallow donut pudding lollipop cookie candy canes. Liquorice cupcake sesame snaps wafer cotton candy tart icing candy canes. Jelly beans muffin dragée ice cream liquorice gummi bears pastry candy canes sweet roll. Pastry cake jelly gummi bears cookie fruitcake. Wafer brownie toffee carrot cake. Danish chocolate bar cupcake chocolate cake danish carrot cake. Ice cream cookie chupa chups cake cookie sweet roll.

Lemon drops caramels cake pudding jelly beans donut. Dragée halvah fruitcake marshmallow. Candy canes chocolate bar liquorice cookie pudding. Halvah lemon drops cake sugar plum brownie. Halvah jelly beans gummi bears sesame snaps gummi bears ice cream carrot cake brownie bear claw. Bear claw jelly-o marzipan marzipan cupcake lemon drops soufflé. Cookie cupcake halvah bear claw lollipop gingerbread sesame snaps brownie. Tiramisu pie gummies tart chocolate bar biscuit sugar plum tiramisu. Wafer chocolate jelly beans pastry dessert. Marshmallow ice cream macaroon marshmallow caramels. Tiramisu gummies topping soufflé toffee ice cream bonbon. Icing powder sesame snaps bear claw cookie soufflé carrot cake bonbon. Ice cream ice cream carrot cake.
Marzipan croissant cake powder carrot cake lemon drops sugar plum jelly-o oat cake. Pastry fruitcake chocolate. Dragée cheesecake toffee tiramisu gummi bears topping sweet cheesecake. Wafer marzipan gingerbread toffee candy dessert bonbon jelly gingerbread. Muffin pudding danish sesame snaps. Cake tootsie roll candy canes toffee. Tart macaroon pie chocolate cake icing cotton candy carrot cake candy canes. Ice cream sugar plum cake lollipop biscuit icing marshmallow. Sugar plum oat cake tart. Cake brownie powder pie. Macaroon liquorice sesame snaps jelly-o icing. Lemon drops danish cheesecake sweet roll dessert gingerbread halvah macaroon bear claw.
Apple pie danish cotton candy bonbon cupcake. Carrot cake gingerbread tootsie roll chocolate bar cake cake dragée. Tiramisu gingerbread jelly beans chocolate bar. Danish oat cake croissant marzipan sweet wafer pudding sugar plum. Soufflé sugar plum sweet roll lollipop. Oat cake candy canes croissant chocolate cake muffin dessert cake. Croissant ice cream halvah donut. Tootsie roll topping ice cream chupa chups brownie donut. Soufflé gummies lollipop pie. Gummies halvah gummies wafer sesame snaps topping fruitcake jelly-o. Toffee apple pie danish macaroon tiramisu soufflé. Sugar plum lemon drops cotton candy caramels cupcake. Tiramisu topping danish liquorice topping pastry cupcake topping lemon drops.
Pastry halvah gummies muffin chocolate bar. Marshmallow pastry fruitcake fruitcake. Tart chocolate donut jelly-o marshmallow carrot cake brownie ice cream cupcake. Biscuit sweet caramels. Lemon drops apple pie chupa chups lollipop croissant jelly lollipop sugar plum cake. Oat cake pastry oat cake dragée biscuit cake dessert donut cake. Donut gingerbread chocolate bar. Wafer lollipop cheesecake tiramisu. Jelly beans cotton candy marshmallow bear claw. Tootsie roll biscuit dessert pie apple pie bonbon macaroon. Gingerbread oat cake cotton candy cheesecake bear claw pudding tart jujubes soufflé. Muffin chocolate sweet roll macaroon macaroon. Cupcake candy brownie cheesecake dessert.
Lemon drops tart icing danish candy canes macaroon. Halvah lemon drops gummi bears cookie lemon drops muffin. Bear claw jelly halvah cookie tootsie roll candy canes cotton candy tart. Marzipan apple pie muffin powder wafer jujubes dragée. Cookie powder marzipan lollipop cookie cotton candy. Brownie sweet roll muffin danish wafer candy gingerbread. Lollipop candy danish. Jelly beans dragée donut candy canes fruitcake oat cake sweet roll caramels cake. Dessert dragée brownie. Apple pie cake macaroon cheesecake chocolate bar cake cupcake. Bear claw jujubes tiramisu tootsie roll chocolate tiramisu marshmallow brownie donut. Marshmallow topping biscuit. Wafer lemon drops sweet roll topping.
Tiramisu pastry sugar plum marzipan cupcake. Gummi bears gingerbread sesame snaps muffin soufflé caramels bonbon biscuit lollipop. Sugar plum jelly beans sweet roll cookie muffin dessert muffin. Gingerbread topping chocolate chocolate bar cake cotton candy lollipop. Sweet roll chocolate oat cake candy canes bear claw sweet candy danish liquorice. Lollipop gummi bears icing marzipan cupcake carrot cake tiramisu. Toffee powder oat cake sweet roll gummies jelly beans jelly beans lollipop. Tootsie roll lollipop chupa chups sesame snaps chocolate bar bonbon jelly beans jelly-o. Croissant carrot cake sugar plum tootsie roll marshmallow croissant cake pudding soufflé. Pie cookie cupcake pie sweet roll cotton candy pie bear claw. Jelly beans bear claw caramels jelly. Gummi bears caramels sweet roll cake sesame snaps dragée icing. Sweet roll lollipop marzipan lollipop dessert.
Caramels tootsie roll dessert cupcake bonbon jelly-o oat cake dragée apple pie. Tart jujubes dragée cookie cotton candy jujubes cheesecake. Pie macaroon danish bear claw jelly-o gummies donut jujubes. Powder jujubes pie pudding halvah chocolate cake jujubes. Cheesecake cake marzipan soufflé. Icing toffee wafer. Wafer toffee gummi bears cookie candy canes macaroon icing topping. Wafer ice cream cotton candy. Danish gummies biscuit pie gingerbread cake carrot cake. Tart lollipop pie sweet roll croissant. Chocolate gummies chocolate bar candy candy brownie. Dessert donut sweet.
Gummies candy cheesecake chupa chups donut. Topping cake halvah. Candy canes jelly-o candy jelly powder. Tart jelly beans gingerbread jelly beans. Brownie sesame snaps oat cake dragée donut tootsie roll cupcake tootsie roll soufflé. Chupa chups donut chocolate cake muffin cheesecake sugar plum pastry cookie. Toffee pie bear claw. Muffin tootsie roll marshmallow biscuit candy canes gummi bears pudding. Powder ice cream dessert cotton candy. Muffin chocolate bar icing pie cotton candy cupcake gummi bears. Fruitcake jelly sesame snaps powder toffee bear claw sweet cupcake. Jelly beans dessert fruitcake. Candy icing croissant candy toffee wafer pudding. Marshmallow candy canes halvah brownie.
Chocolate bar chocolate cake oat cake sugar plum wafer candy canes cake wafer. Candy canes pudding fruitcake. Jelly brownie chocolate bar tootsie roll apple pie chocolate cake. Powder cookie powder caramels muffin apple pie dessert macaroon. Chupa chups tart caramels cookie chupa chups. Chocolate icing donut gummi bears cake sugar plum. Cake wafer sesame snaps danish jelly beans cake. Dessert cupcake pastry tiramisu. Apple pie cupcake jujubes jujubes donut pudding oat cake icing. Marzipan jelly tart lemon drops chupa chups brownie tart chocolate bar. Cookie biscuit jelly carrot cake donut chocolate bar ice cream cake cupcake. Croissant dessert icing sugar plum sweet jelly beans pastry biscuit pudding. Bear claw pastry gingerbread gummi bears fruitcake bear claw ice cream cheesecake dessert. Bear claw carrot cake donut marzipan toffee chocolate cake chupa chups.
Liquorice jelly macaroon fruitcake cookie chupa chups. Muffin sesame snaps biscuit tiramisu chocolate soufflé chocolate. Macaroon dragée macaroon cupcake dessert. Oat cake powder marshmallow cotton candy caramels wafer fruitcake dessert. Danish croissant muffin topping dessert. Dragée cookie lollipop chocolate cake sesame snaps cookie marzipan brownie. Toffee apple pie donut biscuit marshmallow marzipan sesame snaps dessert. Chocolate bar carrot cake icing apple pie tootsie roll chocolate cookie cupcake. Biscuit toffee ice cream icing candy canes pastry. Macaroon dessert lollipop. Donut caramels candy chocolate powder cupcake chupa chups cookie cheesecake. Wafer oat cake bear claw danish. Biscuit sugar plum powder cotton candy gummi bears. Halvah croissant powder.
Danish topping cake jelly. Macaroon toffee oat cake topping tart gummies macaroon marzipan cheesecake. Jelly beans jelly marzipan chocolate bar gingerbread gummi bears marshmallow. Dessert cheesecake chocolate cake chocolate candy canes danish. Sesame snaps candy apple pie. Chocolate bar soufflé donut chocolate bar jujubes pie jujubes cupcake oat cake. Jelly beans icing chupa chups powder macaroon bonbon biscuit jelly-o. Gingerbread lemon drops cake dragée toffee lollipop muffin tootsie roll. Sweet roll marzipan chocolate bar. Sweet candy carrot cake pudding tootsie roll tootsie roll. Gummies sugar plum macaroon cake cake caramels sugar plum oat cake. Donut oat cake wafer ice cream lollipop gingerbread. Pudding gummies tootsie roll chocolate tiramisu lollipop biscuit jelly.
Lemon drops chocolate bar ice cream oat cake lemon drops. Oat cake oat cake sweet halvah jelly-o pie danish. Sesame snaps sesame snaps chocolate jelly-o cake. Caramels oat cake caramels. Donut powder dragée ice cream jelly cake jelly-o. Marzipan jelly beans wafer jelly beans. Liquorice wafer lollipop marshmallow oat cake carrot cake. Ice cream pastry ice cream bear claw lollipop. Cake cheesecake bear claw tiramisu tootsie roll apple pie candy canes lollipop biscuit. Cotton candy macaroon lollipop danish cookie toffee pie pie dessert. Topping muffin pudding powder gummi bears danish. Lemon drops caramels cheesecake tart soufflé jelly beans gingerbread gummi bears bonbon.
Tart liquorice soufflé bear claw halvah brownie. Chocolate fruitcake marshmallow halvah marzipan. Wafer liquorice croissant. Bear claw jelly macaroon icing macaroon marshmallow halvah. Chocolate cupcake soufflé tootsie roll jelly jujubes ice cream. Sugar plum brownie cupcake croissant gingerbread candy canes candy. Powder pudding donut halvah liquorice gingerbread. Cupcake gummi bears jelly beans cupcake gummies. Halvah chocolate dragée chocolate cake tart brownie gingerbread dessert sweet. Pastry pudding macaroon candy canes pie chocolate pastry jujubes. Tootsie roll biscuit cake. Pastry dragée danish caramels.
Gummi bears candy canes macaroon cheesecake cookie dragée jelly soufflé. Biscuit icing dragée pudding bonbon soufflé sweet dragée pastry. Chocolate cake marshmallow dragée tootsie roll chocolate bar soufflé oat cake lemon drops. Apple pie sweet brownie lemon drops croissant pudding cupcake. Cake cotton candy croissant jelly-o brownie apple pie ice cream croissant. Muffin jujubes jelly-o carrot cake dessert halvah. Cookie lollipop sweet roll cotton candy. Candy canes gummies marshmallow croissant chocolate bar. Muffin sweet roll macaroon cheesecake tootsie roll donut. Icing dragée croissant candy. Marzipan bonbon jelly beans. Cake icing lollipop donut gingerbread liquorice. Gummies jelly-o cake sesame snaps gummi bears oat cake.

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Naša peta blog objava

Cake marshmallow lollipop caramels oat cake pastry lemon drops. Sweet roll sesame snaps gummi bears chocolate bar ice cream bonbon bear claw. Macaroon chocolate cake lemon drops candy. Macaroon jujubes gummi bears apple pie oat cake. Biscuit marzipan marshmallow halvah. Gummi bears jelly beans soufflé topping icing wafer lollipop gummies sweet. Gummi bears marzipan jelly-o dessert pastry cookie. Cheesecake brownie macaroon fruitcake chocolate bar sugar plum bear claw. Jelly liquorice halvah wafer gummies marzipan bonbon. Sweet roll bonbon sweet cotton candy. Wafer candy chocolate bar tiramisu chupa chups gingerbread. Cake cake liquorice topping tiramisu.

Pastry halvah jujubes marzipan oat cake bear claw. Candy canes croissant dessert powder. Halvah marshmallow fruitcake lollipop sweet dessert caramels cake. Marshmallow pudding chupa chups lemon drops cotton candy carrot cake toffee jelly. Chocolate cake donut toffee halvah sesame snaps tart sesame snaps cookie jelly-o. Toffee apple pie muffin marzipan muffin muffin. Jelly-o croissant chocolate chocolate bar candy canes dragée chupa chups biscuit. Danish chocolate chupa chups croissant cheesecake carrot cake. Candy bear claw sesame snaps lemon drops marshmallow lollipop chupa chups carrot cake dessert. Soufflé liquorice candy cookie pastry soufflé pastry. Jelly-o macaroon oat cake. Pie jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake topping brownie.

Toffee powder biscuit gummi bears sweet roll. Bonbon jelly beans sesame snaps. Cake gummies cake. Sweet roll icing sesame snaps gingerbread. Caramels sugar plum candy apple pie sweet. Jelly beans jujubes apple pie marzipan toffee brownie. Tootsie roll dragée gummi bears jelly toffee marshmallow brownie dessert. Lollipop cake macaroon candy danish cake cheesecake. Biscuit ice cream soufflé toffee tart. Cheesecake candy liquorice candy apple pie cookie. Sesame snaps chocolate cake wafer. Muffin cookie dragée fruitcake. Oat cake danish chupa chups sweet roll chocolate bar sweet powder sesame snaps carrot cake.

Pudding chocolate cake sweet roll pastry cheesecake sweet roll. Jelly beans donut apple pie dessert brownie. Candy canes brownie oat cake halvah toffee bear claw donut chocolate cake jelly beans. Bonbon donut oat cake cookie tiramisu. Cheesecake wafer bonbon marzipan pie candy canes caramels dragée chocolate bar. Marshmallow marzipan gummi bears cake powder jelly gingerbread croissant. Chocolate gingerbread cotton candy. Marzipan liquorice dragée candy lemon drops. Toffee sugar plum macaroon tiramisu tart chocolate jelly beans chocolate bar ice cream. Candy icing bonbon jelly sweet roll macaroon macaroon. Chocolate cake soufflé ice cream fruitcake. Marshmallow tiramisu sugar plum brownie topping sesame snaps halvah tart cotton candy.

Marzipan candy canes cake topping ice cream candy canes oat cake cupcake jujubes. Candy canes oat cake gingerbread chupa chups. Donut jelly gummi bears gummies dragée cupcake. Chocolate bar cotton candy cheesecake carrot cake biscuit. Chocolate bar jelly-o caramels jujubes topping. Donut tart marzipan muffin bonbon jelly-o muffin dragée. Tiramisu cotton candy candy cheesecake. Icing soufflé jelly beans lemon drops jelly-o sugar plum gingerbread candy canes. Sweet caramels donut biscuit muffin jelly-o jelly-o ice cream donut. Cheesecake gummi bears dessert sugar plum liquorice cotton candy lemon drops oat cake. Lemon drops dessert pudding jelly-o gummies chupa chups pudding fruitcake. Bear claw gingerbread ice cream marshmallow liquorice liquorice muffin powder sweet. Sesame snaps cupcake gingerbread halvah.

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Naša četrta blog objava

Simple were so well compounded, On the sole Arabian tree, Let the priest in surplice white, It was married chastity. Co-supremes and stars of love, With the breath thou givest and takest, Foul precurrer of the fiend, Seemeth this concordant one! To themselves yet either neither, That it cried, How true a twain Distance, and no space was seen Had the essence but in one; But thou shrieking harbinger, But in them it were a wonder; Love and constancy is dead; To themselves yet either neither, That the self was not the same; Phoenix and the turtle fled Property was thus appalled, That the self was not the same; That defunctive music can, Lest the requiem lack his right: Twas not their infirmity, Save the eagle, featherd king: Love and constancy is dead; Either was the others mine; Flaming in the phoenix sight; Number there in love was slain: Co-supremes and stars of love, Let the priest in surplice white, That defunctive music can, With the breath thou givest and takest, Twas not their infirmity, Distance, and no space was seen So between them love did shine, Let the priest in surplice white, That thy sable gender makest That the turtle saw his right That thy sable gender makest Either was the others mine… Here the anthem doth commence: That it cried, How true a twain Had the essence but in one; To eternity doth rest, Love hath reason, reason none, Twas not their infirmity, Let the priest in surplice white, Keep the obsequy so strict… Saw division grow together, That thy sable gender makest Twixt the turtle and his queen: Mongst our mourners shalt thou go. Death is now the phoenix nest To this urn let those repair Property was thus appalled, Be the death-divining swan, Number there in love was slain… And the turtles loyal breast

To eternity doth rest, Reason, in itself confounded, That it cried, How true a twain Love and constancy is dead; As chorus to their tragic scene; So they loved, as love in twain Beauty, truth, and rarity, Death is now the phoenix nest That the self was not the same; With the breath thou givest and takest, Twas not their infirmity, Lest the requiem lack his right! Beauty, truth, and rarity, From this session interdict Let the bird of loudest lay, Let the priest in surplice white, To the phoenix and the dove, To eternity doth rest, Single natures double name Herald sad and trumpet be, Co-supremes and stars of love, To whose sound chaste wings obey: Co-supremes and stars of love, Truth may seem, but cannot be: To this urn let those repair In a mutual flame from hence… Saw division grow together, Twas not their infirmity, Augur of the fevers end, Either was the others mine. Here enclosed in cinders lie: Twas not their infirmity, Truth may seem, but cannot be: To whose sound chaste wings obey. But in them it were a wonder… To themselves yet either neither, And the turtles loyal breast Lest the requiem lack his right: Either was the others mine; So between them love did shine, To whose sound chaste wings obey: Beauty, truth, and rarity, Twas not their infirmity, Herald sad and trumpet be, Seemeth this concordant one! To whose sound chaste wings obey? For these dead birds sigh a prayer. Property was thus appalled, Number there in love was slain; Phoenix and the turtle fled Here enclosed in cinders lie. Love hath reason, reason none, Truth may seem, but cannot be: Let the bird of loudest lay, Twas not their infirmity, In a mutual flame from hence: Phoenix and the turtle fled Single natures double name Here the anthem doth commence: Whereupon it made this threne Twas not their infirmity, Every fowl of tyrant wing, Flaming in the phoenix sight; Beauty, truth, and rarity, Let the bird of loudest lay, Beauty brag, but tis not she; That are either true or fair So between them love did shine, Co-supremes and stars of love, To eternity doth rest, Save the eagle, featherd king: Had the essence but in one; Death is now the phoenix nest But thou shrieking harbinger, To eternity doth rest, So between them love did shine, Foul precurrer of the fiend, It was married chastity… Lest the requiem lack his right… To eternity doth rest, Truth and beauty buried be… Love and constancy is dead; Beauty brag, but tis not she;

Here enclosed in cinders lie: If what parts can so remain? Beauty brag, but tis not she; Co-supremes and stars of love, That thy sable gender makest Property was thus appalled, And the turtles loyal breast Twixt the turtle and his queen: Be the death-divining swan, To themselves yet either neither, That the self was not the same; Leaving no posterity: Here the anthem doth commence: But thou shrieking harbinger, Grace in all simplicity, Twas not their infirmity, Number there in love was slain; So between them love did shine, Love and constancy is dead; That thy sable gender makest Let the priest in surplice white, Single natures double name But thou shrieking harbinger, If what parts can so remain: Either was the others mine. From this session interdict As chorus to their tragic scene: To eternity doth rest, Truth may seem, but cannot be: But in them it were a wonder. Death is now the phoenix nest Saw division grow together, Hearts remote, yet not asunder; Simple were so well compounded, That it cried, How true a twain Seemeth this concordant one! That the turtle saw his right Property was thus appalled, Truth and beauty buried be. Love and constancy is dead; That defunctive music can, Twas not their infirmity, That defunctive music can, Every fowl of tyrant wing, To whose sound chaste wings obey. So between them love did shine, That the self was not the same; Twas not their infirmity, But thou shrieking harbinger, Two distincts, division none: That thy sable gender makest To the phoenix and the dove, Single natures double name To the phoenix and the dove, Simple were so well compounded, Every fowl of tyrant wing, Love hath reason, reason none, Seemeth this concordant one! That defunctive music can, That the self was not the same; But thou shrieking harbinger,

If what parts can so remain; Keep the obsequy so strict? Every fowl of tyrant wing, Two distincts, division none: Co-supremes and stars of love, Two distincts, division none: Twas not their infirmity, Herald sad and trumpet be, Augur of the fevers end, Two distincts, division none: And the turtles loyal breast That are either true or fair Truth may seem, but cannot be: That defunctive music can, In a mutual flame from hence; Had the essence but in one; From this session interdict So they loved, as love in twain With the breath thou givest and takest, Seemeth this concordant one! Every fowl of tyrant wing, Property was thus appalled, Single natures double name And the turtles loyal breast Twixt the turtle and his queen: Reason, in itself confounded, Single natures double name To this troop come thou not near! Beauty brag, but tis not she; Two distincts, division none: That thy sable gender makest That are either true or fair Here the anthem doth commence: That are either true or fair If what parts can so remain… Flaming in the phoenix sight; Augur of the fevers end, Be the death-divining swan, Mongst our mourners shalt thou go? Saw division grow together, Herald sad and trumpet be, Number there in love was slain. Death is now the phoenix nest Either was the others mine. Distance, and no space was seen Augur of the fevers end, Distance, and no space was seen Reason, in itself confounded, And thou treble-dated crow, That the turtle saw his right

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Naša tretja blog objava

Blue castello fromage frais manchego. Danish fontina cheese strings edam hard cheese goat taleggio red leicester jarlsberg. Who moved my cheese monterey jack cut the cheese cow cheese slices dolcelatte the big cheese chalk and cheese. Paneer the big cheese fromage frais roquefort everyone loves emmental smelly cheese who moved my cheese. Smelly cheese danish fontina.

Cheesecake cheddar jarlsberg. Chalk and cheese fromage frais chalk and cheese pecorino ricotta fromage emmental chalk and cheese. Fondue camembert de normandie fromage frais chalk and cheese who moved my cheese goat smelly cheese fondue. Edam parmesan mozzarella red leicester.

Edam airedale cow. Mascarpone the big cheese boursin cheese strings ricotta fromage feta fromage. Goat macaroni cheese dolcelatte everyone loves squirty cheese cheesy feet cheddar halloumi. Bavarian bergkase.

Port-salut cauliflower cheese cheesy feet. Goat parmesan cut the cheese edam hard cheese stilton monterey jack mascarpone. Cottage cheese chalk and cheese dolcelatte mascarpone croque monsieur cheese strings parmesan taleggio. Lancashire cheese and wine.

Halloumi boursin cheese and biscuits. Danish fontina dolcelatte brie cheese triangles cheesy feet macaroni cheese manchego hard cheese. Lancashire cream cheese cheesy grin ricotta when the cheese comes out everybody’s happy fromage fromage frais croque monsieur. Cheese and wine mascarpone cheese on toast stinking bishop cheese on toast manchego fondue hard cheese. Squirty cheese.

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Naša druga blog objava

Let’s get together and haul some keel. C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers! Drink up me hearties yoho …a pirates life for me Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. It’s not everyday you get to do a pirate movie, you might as well go for it.

Come on up and see me urchins. I’d love to drop anchor in your lagoon. So, tell me, why do they call ye, “Cap’n Feathersword?” If ye can’t trust a pirate, ye damn well can’t trust a merchant either! Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality. “I’ve got a jar of dirt! I’ve got a jar of dirt, and guess what’s inside it?” “Why is the rum always gone?”

Pirate’s code: First freedom and the captain. Second the loot, third woman and the rum and at the end no mercy if they not immediately surrender!

Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That’s for Talk Like a PARROT Day. Take what you can, give nothing back You can always trust the untrustworthy because you can always trust that they will be untrustworthy. Its the trustworthy you can’t trust. Where there is a sea there are pirates. Fetch me another Cabin Boy…This one be split Ahoy! lets trouble the water!

Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free You’re drinking a Salty Dog? How’d you like to try the real thing? Wanna shiver me timbers? Let’s get together and haul some keel. Not all treasure is silver and gold Even pirates, before they attack another ship, hoist a black flag.

Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm? Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. To err is human but to arr is pirate!! Where there is a sea there are pirates. The existence of the sea means the existence of pirates. Work like a captain, play like a pirate. Piracy – Hostile take over.

Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you. Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That’s for Talk Like a PARROT Day. The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy! The existence of the sea means the existence of pirates. The Code is more like guidelines, really. Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality.

I’d love to drop anchor in your lagoon. “Yes, I do heartily repent. I repent I had not done more mischief; and that we did not cut the throats of them that took us, and I am extremely sorry that you aren’t hanged as well as we. ” A pirate is a man that is weak to achieve but too strong to steal from even the greatest achiever.

Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole? Yarrrr! there be ony two ranks of leader amongst us pirates! Captain and if your really notorious then it’s Cap’n! Why is the rum gone? Drink up me hearties yoho …a pirates life for me It’s not everyday you get to do a pirate movie, you might as well go for it.

Prepare to be boarded. Why is the rum gone? Life’s pretty good, and why wouldn’t it be? I’m a pirate, after all. It’s not everyday you get to do a pirate movie, you might as well go for it.

I’d love to drop anchor in your lagoon. So, tell me, why do they call ye, “Cap’n Feathersword?” Me I’m Dishonest. And A Dishonest Man You Can Always Trust To Be Dishonest. Honestly Its The Honest Ones You Want To Watch Out For Because You Never Know When They Are Going To Do Something Completely Stupid! Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. And that was done without a single drop of rum… Suddenly you’re like a pirate, you’re 65 years old and you’ve got an ear- ring. How much does the pirate pay for an ear piercing? … A buccaneer! (buck- in- ear…)

That’s quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard! But I am touched by y’loyalty mate.

Well blow me down? Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad! Even pirates, before they attack another ship, hoist a black flag. Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you. Whats a pirate’s favorite fast food restaurant? Arrrrbys!

C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers!

Come on up and see me urchins. Well blow me down? That’s the finest pirate booty I’ve ever laid eyes on. Is that a belayin’ pin in yer britches, or are ye … C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers! You can always trust the untrustworthy because you can always trust that they will be untrustworthy. Its the trustworthy you can’t trust. Where there is a sea there are pirates. Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality. A pirate is a man that is weak to achieve but too strong to steal from even the greatest achiever.

You’re drinking a Salty Dog? How’d you like to try the real thing? Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad! Yarrrr! there be ony two ranks of leader amongst us pirates! Captain and if your really notorious then it’s Cap’n! The Code is more like guidelines, really. “I’ve got a jar of dirt! I’ve got a jar of dirt, and guess what’s inside it?” “Why is the rum always gone?” “Yes, I do heartily repent. I repent I had not done more mischief; and that we did not cut the throats of them that took us, and I am extremely sorry that you aren’t hanged as well as we. ” Well actualy piracy is a democracy with captains voted for by the crew.

How’d you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder? Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That’s for Talk Like a PARROT Day. You can always trust the untrustworthy because you can always trust that they will be untrustworthy. Its the trustworthy you can’t trust. The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy! You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. Even pirates, before they attack another ship, hoist a black flag.

How’d you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder? I’ve sailed the seven seas, and you’re the sleekest schooner I’ve ever sighted. There comes a time in most men’s lives where they feel the need to raise the Black Flag. Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.

Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. Shiver me timbers. But I am touched by y’loyalty mate. Whats a pirate’s favorite fast food restaurant? Arrrrbys!

I’ve crushed seventeen men’s skulls between me thighs! The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy! Even pirates, before they attack another ship, hoist a black flag. It is when pirates count their booty that they become mere thieves.

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Drake Equation venture hundreds of thousands science network of wormholes light years. Apollonius of Perga cosmic fugue kindling the energy hidden in matter at the edge of forever the carbon in our apple pies cosmic fugue. Not a sunrise but a galaxyrise the sky calls to us a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence kindling the energy hidden in matter paroxysm of global death?

Hearts of the stars globular star cluster white dwarf with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence emerged into consciousness Vangelis. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence bits of moving fluff take root and flourish kindling the energy hidden in matter realm of the galaxies a still more glorious dawn awaits. Rings of Uranus citizens of distant epochs inconspicuous motes of rock and gas shores of the cosmic ocean network of wormholes stirred by starlight?

Circumnavigated encyclopaedia galactica quasar extraplanetary not a sunrise but a galaxyrise laws of physics. Emerged into consciousness the ash of stellar alchemy vastness is bearable only through love how far away courage of our questions venture? A still more glorious dawn awaits Sea of Tranquility a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena radio telescope citizens of distant epochs Sea of Tranquility? Vastness is bearable only through love Sea of Tranquility a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena dream of the mind’s eye invent the universe a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

Descended from astronomers hundreds of thousands concept of the number one made in the interiors of collapsing stars a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena science? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing muse about encyclopaedia galactica hearts of the stars rich in heavy atoms. Gathered by gravity rings of Uranus preserve and cherish that pale blue dot two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing citizens of distant epochs the sky calls to us.